The beginning of the New Year brings joy for actor Rakul Preet Singh and her producer boyfriend Jackky Bhagnani as they elevate their relationship. It's widely known that Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani are a couple. In fact, on Jackky's birthday two years ago, Rakul confirmed their relationship through a birthday post. Now, there are reports suggesting that the couple is getting married in February this year.
Rakul Preet and Jackky Bhagnani to tie the knot soon
As per a recent report by Hindustan Times, it is suggested that the wedding is scheduled for February 22nd, and it will be held in Goa. The wedding details are being kept secret because Rakul and Jackky value their privacy and want to keep the ceremony private. A source informed the portal, “Rakul and Jackky are getting married on February 22, in Goa. They are being really hush-hush about it, as they want to keep the affair very intimate. They are really private people and want to keep the wedding also private.”
Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani are said to be taking a break before diving into wedding preparations. Jackky is currently in Bangkok for his bachelor party, while Rakul is enjoying her break in Thailand. The source said, “Jackky is currently in Bangkok (Thailand) for his bachelor party. In fact, Rakul is also in Thailand, enjoying the break.”