Ananya Panday, daughter of Chunky and Bhavana Pandey, has made a name for herself in Bollywood. After gaining fame, she moved out and created her own home, sharing snapshots on social media. Recently, she revealed how living alone has helped her manage her emotions, explaining that being at home with her parents often worsened her sadness, as they unknowingly fed into it.
In a candid chat on the YouTube channel We Are Yuvaa, Ananya Panday opened up to her father, Chunky Panday, about how living alone has brought a positive change in her life. She shared that when she lived with her parents, her sadness seemed to be amplified, as they unknowingly contributed to it. She said, “When I used to stay with y’all, I feel like when I used to get sad, you used to feed into my sadness.”
The Call Me Bae actress went on to explain how her mom’s concern often made things worse. She shared that when her mom would ask, “What happened? Are you fine?”, it only deepened her sadness. She admitted that at times, she even exaggerated her emotions, adding, “I was acting also a little bit while crying at home.”
Ananya Panday further revealed that living alone has helped her gain better control over her emotions. She shared that nothing affects her as deeply anymore and that she’s become comfortable spending time with her own thoughts. Reflecting on her past, the actress admitted that she used to struggle with being alone and couldn’t even sleep without company. Now, however, she feels quite content in her own company.
On the work front, Ananya was recently seen in CTRL and has an exciting lineup of projects ahead. She’s set to star in Chand Mera Dil, a film by Dharma Productions, alongside Lakshya.
Additionally, she has started shooting for the second season of Call Me Bae. Ananya will also feature in an untitled Dharma Productions film, sharing the screen with Akshay Kumar and R. Madhavan.
Meanwhile, her father, Chunky Panday, is gearing up for his role in Housefull 5.