Alia Bhatt has often received praise from the directors she has worked with, whether Karan Johar, Sanjay Leela Bhansali, or Imtiaz Ali. A new addition to the list was recently made, as Vasan Bala, who directed the actress in her last film, Jigra, praised her talent. He mentioned that actresses can understand what a director is looking for in a scene without him or her saying a word, which spoils them.
In a new interview with Mashable India, Vasan Bala, who directed Johar’s action film, reflected on his experience working with the actress. He shared that every director he loves should at least once direct her. Bala believes that every filmmaker will face challenges after directing her due to her impressive ability to understand a director’s needs.Â
“I think every director who I love should get an opportunity to work with Alia Bhatt. They will be spoilt and then unki agli film mein band bajegi (They will suffer in their next film), he explained.Â
He explained that Alia has an uncanny ability to understand what a director needs in a scene. It happens without him or her directly communicating to explain it to her. Vasan cited an anecdote from his time working with Bhatt and noted that there were instances where he made a simple gesture from his position. The Darlings actress understood what he wanted in the shot, leaving him surprised and impressed.
The Monica O My Darling director added that Alia is a star without any tantrums. He revealed that she has no entourage, nothing. Rather, the actress is always ready and focused on her work. As a result, he believes that every director I admire should work with her at least once. However, she is mostly likely to set such high standards that they wh struggle with their next film to match it.Â
Jigra starred Alia Bhatt and Vedang Raina in the lead roles. Directed and co-written by Vasan Bala, it focuses on the journey of a young woman who sets out on a mission to rescue her brother from a foreign prison after he is convicted of a crime he did not commit.Â