Alia Bhatt, one of Bollywood’s brightest stars, is all set for her upcoming film Love & War, co-starring her husband Ranbir Kapoor and Vicky Kaushal. Recently, the actress was spotted at director Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s house, and fans couldn’t help but dub her the ‘lady Bachchan’.
Alia Bhatt was spotted in the city today, effortlessly rocking a casual look. She wore a simple white shirt paired with blue denim, her hair tied in a ponytail, radiating boss vibes. As she stepped out of the car, she flashed a bright smile and waved at the paparazzi, creating a moment to remember. She then made her way into Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s house, and the video is sure to brighten your day.
Watch the video right below!
As the video quickly went viral, fans were filled with excitement. One fan called her “Gorgeous,” while another praised her as “Lady Bachchan.” Some referred to her as “Cuteee” and “Queen.” Others expressed their anticipation for her upcoming projects, with one user eagerly writing, “Cannot wait for Chamunda to start and Alpha’s release.”
Meanwhile, Pinkvilla exclusively revealed that Alia Bhatt began shooting for Love & War in Mumbai on November 19. A source close to the development said, “Yesterday was the first day of shoot for Alia Bhatt, and she has commenced the journey by canning her solo sequences. The combination sequences with Ranbir and Vicky will begin from the end of November.”
The source also confirmed that Alia has committed to giving bulk dates to the film and will focus solely on this project until November 2025. Directed by Sanjay Leela Bhansali, Love & War is slated for an Eid 2026 release. Bhansali aims to complete the film by October 2025. While Ranbir Kapoor will be balancing this film with his commitments to Ramayana, Alia and Vicky are dedicating a full year to the project.