Bollywood actor Ajay Devgn, excited about his upcoming project Azaad, highlighted the significant changes in the industry, particularly in terms of professionalism. During the trailer launch event, the 55-year-old actor also discussed the evolution of the audience over the years and shared, “Our mistakes were overlooked, and young actors today face more pressure because the audience is more aware and unforgiving and they have to prepared to deliver on one go.”
During the trailer launch of Azaad, Ajay Devgn reflected on the changes in the industry since his debut in Phool Aur Kaante. He shared that in the past, actors had the opportunity to learn while working, with more time to develop their skills and the audience being more forgiving of mistakes.
However, he pointed out that today’s audience is much more aware and unforgiving, placing higher expectations on both current and upcoming actors. According to him, this makes it essential for actors to be well-prepared and to deliver strong performances right from the start.
Ajay also mentioned that the current generation of actors is more prepared, with each one striving to give their best in every project.
Ajay Devgn also shared his thoughts on the hard work put in by Rasha Thadani and Aaman Devgan for Azaad, their debut film, and praised their director, Abhishek Kapoor for his excellent guidance.
The Son of Sardaar 2 actor explained that he constantly pushes Aaman to do better than his best, as he believes the audience can be unforgiving, and there is significant pressure on young actors entering the industry today.
Azaad also marks the film debut of TV actor Mohit Malik and features Diana Penty in a prominent role, showcasing her in a completely new avatar. The film, which tells the touching story of a young boy and his horse, was shot extensively in Jaipur.
Produced by Ronnie Screwvala and Pragya Kapoor, Azaad is slated for a theatrical release on January 17, 2025.