Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani have been generating a lot of buzz lately as they plan to get married on February 21st. The wedding is slated to take place in Goa at a posh hotel. Now, a media report suggests that this wedding will be attended by rumored lovebirds Aditya Roy Kapur and Ananya Panday. Let's find out more about it.
Aditya Roy Kapur-Ananya Panday to attend Goa wedding
According to News18, Aditya Roy Kapur and Ananya Panday will be attending the upcoming wedding of Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani. The wedding will take place in Goa on February 21st this month. Reportedly, many big Bollywood celebrities will be attending their big day and among them is Aditya-Ananya. The couple is expected to touch down in Goa a day before the wedding, which is on February 20th.
Apart from that, the report also suggests that the couple has opted for a no-phone policy at the wedding venue.
Rakul Preet Singh on relationships
In a recent interview with Cosmopolitan, Rakul spoke about what makes a relationship successful. She said: “It’s never one mantra but something that, I think, is extremely important is being complete in yourself first to be able to complete someone else. And that’s something that both Jackky [Bhagnani] and I have spoken about.”
She added that the two spoke about it even before they started dating. “Even before we started dating, we spoke about it—the understanding that you know of your shortcomings and work on your relationship with absolutely no insecurities. If one of the partners is insecure, the relationship cannot be healthy. And it boils down to being complete in yourself as a person to be able to be more giving in a relationship".
ALSO READ: Rakul Preet Singh REVEALS ‘mantra’ for a successful relationship ahead of her wedding with Jackky Bhagnani