FX is bringing back the beloved series Justified with an eight-part revival set in Detroit. Fans of the original show, which concluded in 2015, can rejoice as they dive back into the world of Raylan Givens, portrayed by the talented Timothy Olyphant. This time, the focus shifts to the dynamic between Raylan and his on-screen daughter, played by Olyphant’s real-life daughter, Vivian.
Release date and where to watch Justified: City Primeval
Mark your calendars for the premiere of Justified: City Primeval on Tuesday, July 18, at 10 p.m. ET. The miniseries will air on FX, and if you have a valid cable login, you can catch it on FX.com. Additionally, you can stream FX live through platforms such as fuboTV, Hulu Live TV, YouTube TV, and Sling TV. For those who prefer next-day streaming, episodes will be available on Hulu.
Trailer and cast of Justified: City Primeval
FX has already released an exciting trailer for Justified: City Primeval, providing a glimpse into the action-packed revival. Alongside Timothy and Vivian Olyphant, the series features a talented ensemble cast, including Aunjanue Ellis, Boyd Holbrook, Vondie Curtis Hall, Norbert Leo Butz, Adelaide Clemens, Marin Ireland, and Victor Williams.
Episode Schedule of Justified: City Primeval
Prepare for an intense ride with the following episode schedule for Justified: City Primeval
Episode 1: City Primeval – July 18, 2023
Episode 2: The Oklahoma Wildman – July 18, 2023
Episode 3: Backstabbers – July 25, 2023
Episode 4: Kokomo – Aug. 1, 2023
Episode 5: You Good? – Aug. 8, 2023
Episode 6: Adios – Aug. 15, 2023
Episode 7: The Smoking Gun – Aug. 22, 2023
Episode 8: The Question – Aug. 29, 2023
Fans of Justified can’t wait to witness the return of Raylan Givens in the highly anticipated revival, Justified: City Primeval. With an impressive cast, a thrilling storyline, and an upcoming release date, this miniseries promises to deliver the same level of excitement and intrigue that made the original show a hit. Prepare to be captivated as Raylan’s journey unfolds in the city of Detroit, offering a fresh perspective on the beloved character.
ALSO READ: Justified: City Primeval limited series begins, Walton Goggins explains absence of Boyd Crowder